Due to popular demand, we brought back our Jackson Pollock inspired Bodypaint.Me creation station for the ultimate Philly Naked Bike Ride 2014 experience! We started off painting ourselves. The crew has to participate too! And after we were rocking a few different colorful layers of paint, body powder and glitter we unleashed our paint brushes upon hundreds of naked bike riders!
Bodypainters: Matt Deifer, Britt Gentsch, Felicia Cruz, Sara Posusney
Photographer: Naterpix.com, Tom Deutsch, Garth Herrick
Models: Philly Naked Bike Ride 2014 Participants
Location: Penn Treaty Park, Philly, PA
Date: August 25, 2013
Event: The 5th Annual Philly Naked Bike Ride
Check out tons of photos from this awesome bike ride on the official Flickr group!
Videos! There are so many Philly Naked Bike Ride 2014 videos on YouTube! Watch them here: