Our superheroes were wearing bodypaint, and not much more, at Comic-Con this year but they weren’t your typical caped crusaders. We bodypainted Cryptohereos for OnRamp and each superhero brandished a different cryptocurrency logo!
Comic-Con Attendees Do Not F*ck Around When It Comes to Cosplay
Here are the best looks from the 2018 gathering over the weekend.
Esquire, July 23, 2018
LA at Comic-Con: Panels, Parties and more!
“The bodypaint Justice League of Crypto was the most creative costumed promotion at Comic-Con.”
DigitalLA.net, July 21, 2018
Bodypainter: Matt Deifer
Assistant: Shock the Monster
Photographer: Matt Deifer
Models: Scarlet Checkers, Brynna Raine, Melissa Mae, Matt Erhart, Carolina Falconi
Location: Comic-Con, San Diego, CA
Date: July 21-22, 2018